
FidaWare WMS

Warehouse management solution

Powerful SaaS tool for efficient intralogistics and warehouse operations.

Catapult your profits and boost efficiency with FidaWare WMS

Modern-day factories must leverage technology and automation to increase production and stay ahead of the curve. Roima Intelligence’s FidaWare Warehouse Management System (WMS) can optimize entire operations from labor scheduling, inventory management, and shipping management to supply chain fulfillment.

Key features of FidaWare WMS

You need WMS software to digitize your warehousing operations. Below are must-have features in a WMS system to meet modern fulfillment and warehousing operations.

With Roima’s feature rich FidaWare WMS, you can reduce manual errors and automate most tasks. FidaWare WMS has standard functionalities that ensure quick implementation projects and high returns on investment (ROI).

Multi-warehouse and multi-customer capabilities

Do you operate in different countries or cities? FidaWare WMS can streamline warehouse operations and generate insightful reports to identify market trends, enabling you to make well-informed decisions.

WMS SaaS or WMS Cloud

Whether WMS SaaS or WMS Cloud, we enable you to make the right choice for your business. You can run the software as a robust SaaS service, private Roima Cloud, or public cloud in Azure.

Robust optimization module

FidaWare WMS has a powerful optimization module that follows specific rules to simplify warehouse operations. This speeds up the process and prevents repetitive processing of stored items.

Multitenant integration platform

Our WMS’s valuable integration feature allows businesses to effectively communicate and collaborate with web shops, ERPs, printers, and transportation networks.

In-built control automation

Managing automated solutions and integrations is vital in smart factory environments where productivity and efficiency depend on the former. Besides warehouse equipment automation, FidaWare WMS ensures full traceability, warehouse optimization, and overall process control.

Why choose FidaWare WMS?

Apart from ensuring efficient storage and providing accurate location information, FidaWare WMS optimizes material handling. Goods should move efficiently and quickly in your warehouse. With analytics and data, FidaWare WMS enables the best use of warehouse space.

Suitable for multiple industries

Whether it’s the equipment manufacturing, food, wholesale, or logistics industry, FidaWare WMS provides the right tools to manage warehousing operations.

Precise order fulfillment

FidaWare WMS provides access to real-time data, allowing manufacturers to pack, pick, and ship orders quickly and correctly. Also, barcode and RFID integration with FidaWare WMS will improve efficiency.

Well-informed decisions

Analytics and reporting tools allow manufacturers to obtain insights into their warehouse operations, enabling improved decision-making and continuous process improvement.

Enhanced traceability and compliance

FidaWare WMS stores data on goods movement, LOT numbers, expiry dates, and other aspects. This data can help manufacturers trace product origin/movement while ensuring compliance and reducing risks.

Automation capabilities

Manufacturers can streamline internal tasks with the automation capabilities of FidaWare WMS, like automated reception, automatic picking and packing, robotics, AI, etc. Other benefits include labor efficiency and smooth operations.

Ready integrations

Together with Lean System MOM or MES solution with FidaWare WMS, ready integrations provide efficient tools to manage the factory’s material flows and warehousing operations.


Want to know more about FidaWare?

Explore further by scheduling a demo through the form or by reaching out to one of our experts directly. We're here to assist you!

Ulf Johansson

Country Sales Director, Sweden

+46 70 495 40 12



Hannu Ojasalo

Country Sales Director, Finland

+358 46 600 78 15



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